Archive for November 12th, 2012

Proof That Obama Is Coming for Your Guns

November 12, 2012 November 9, 2012

While ignorant Obamanoids can’t get past “their” victory in re-electing the president they identify with, our Constitutional republic is quickly crumbling under a second term authoritarian no longer restricted by the prospect of facing another election.

The Obama Administration has openly announced their intent to bring back the Assault Weapons Ban that was “law” for ten years, but this time Dianne Feinstein and the gun-grabbing liberals aren’t just restricting new weapons & ammo purchases, but seeking legislation to require arms be turned in and private sales be barred. Simultaneously, the Obama Administration is helping to revive the United Nations Small Arms Treaty, which will undermine the sovereignty of the 2nd Amendment by putting international control over the flow of weapons and civilian ownership, inevitably affecting gun rights inside the U.S. particularly in border zones.

This is not speculation, this is not hyperbole, this is not myth– but the admitted plan now underway. We must awaken to this authoritarian control measure and stop it through political pressure before it is too late. Get this special report, featuring research by Alex Jones and Infowars reporters David Knight and Aaron Dykes, out to everyone you know!

Obama Calls for Renewal of Assault Weapons Ban…

Globalists Pull Out All Stops to Grab Guns After Obama Victory…

Turn Them Over: Feinstein Moves To Ban ALL Assault Rifles, High Capacity Magazines, and Pistol Grips…

After Obama win, U.S. backs new U.N. arms treaty talks…

Senator Feinstein looking to introduce new assault weapons ban…

U.N. Celebrates Obama Re-election by Pushing Global Gun Control, says Second Amendment Foundation…

Hours After Reelection, Obama Green Lights UN Gun Grab…

Lincoln the Racist

November 12, 2012

Thomas J. DiLorenzo, November 10, 2012

“Who freed the slaves? To the extent that they were ever ‘freed,’ they were freed by the Thirteenth Amendment, which was authored and pressured into existence not by Lincoln but by the great emancipators nobody knows, the abolitionists and congressional leaders who created the climate and generated the pressure that goaded, prodded, drove, forced Lincoln into glory by associating him with a policy that he adamantly opposed for at least fifty-four of his fifty-six years of his life.”

Lerone Bennett, Jr., Forced into Glory: Abraham Lincoln’ s White Dream, p. 19

photoStill from Lincoln, a biopic directed and produced by Steven Spielberg and starring Daniel Day-Lewis.

Let me introduce you to Lerone Bennett, Jr. who was the executive editor of Ebony magazine for several decades (beginning in 1958) and the author of many books, including a biography of Martin Luther King, Jr. (What Manner of Man: A Biography of Martin Luther King) and Forced into Glory: Abraham Lincoln’s White Dream. Bennett is a graduate of Morehouse College in Atlanta and authored hundreds of articles on African-American history and culture during his career at Ebony. He spent more than twenty years researching and writing Forced into Glory, a scathing critique of Abraham Lincoln based on mountains of truths.

Forced into Glory, published in 2000, was mostly ignored by the Lincoln cult, although there were a few timid “reviews” by reviewers that have never done one-thousandth of the research that Lerone Bennett did on the subject. As a black man, he was spared the mantra of being “linked to extremist hate groups” by the lily-white leftists at the Southern Poverty Law Center, the preeminent hate group of the hardcore Left. He was also spared that hate group’s normally automatic insinuation that any critic of Lincoln must secretly wish that slavery had never ended. They mostly sat back and hoped that he would go away.

Lerone Bennett, Jr. contends that it is almost impossible for the average citizen to know much of anything about Lincoln despite the fact that literally thousands of books have been written about him. “A century of lies” is how he describes Lincoln “scholarship.” He provides thousands of documented facts to make his case.

On the subject of Steven Spielberg’s new movie on Lincoln, which is entirely about Lincoln’s supposed role in lobbying for the Thirteenth Amendment that ended slavery, Bennett points out: “There is a pleasant fiction that Lincoln . . . became a flaming advocate of the amendment and used the power of his office to buy votes to ensure its passage. There is no evidence, as David H. Donald has noted, to support that fiction . . .” To the extent that Lincoln did finally and hesitatingly support the amendment, Bennett argues that it was he who was literally forced into it by other politicians, not the other way around as portrayed in the Spielberg film. (David Donald, by the way, is the preeminent Lincoln scholar of our day and Pulitzer prize-winning Lincoln biographer).

On the issue of the Emancipation Proclamation, Bennett correctly points out that “J.G. Randall, who has been called ‘the greatest Lincoln scholar of all time,’ said the Proclamation itself did not free a single slave” since it only applied to rebel territory and specifically exempted areas of the U.S. such as the entire state of West Virginia where the U.S. Army was in control at the time. (James G. Randall was indeed the most prolific Lincoln scholar of all time and the academic mentor of David Donald at the University of Illinois).

Lerone Bennett is understandably outraged at how the Lincoln cult has covered up Lincoln’s racism for over a century, pretending that he was not a man of his time. He quotes Lincoln as saying in the first Lincoln-Douglas debate in Ottawa, Illinois, for example, that he denied “to set the niggers and white people to marrying together” (Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln, vol. 3, p. 20). In Forced into Glory Bennett shows that Lincoln rather compulsively used the N-word; was a huge fan of “black face” minstrel shows; was famous for his racist jokes; and that many of his White House appointees were shocked at his racist language.

Lincoln did not hesitate to broadcast his racist views publicly, either. Bennett quotes his speech during a debate with Douglas in Charleston, Illinois on September 18, 1858 (Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln, vol. 3, pp. 145-146):

“I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races, that I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of Negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will for ever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race.”

Bennett documents that Lincoln stated publicly that “America was made for the White people and not for the Negroes” (p. 211), and “at least twenty-one times, he said publicly that he was opposed to equal rights for Blacks.” “What I would most desire would be the separation of the white and black races,” said Lincoln (Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln, vol. 2, p. 521).

Reading through Forced into Glory, one gets the clear impression that Bennett got angrier and angrier at the non-stop excuse-making, lying, cover-ups, and fabrications of the “Lincoln scholars.” He never takes his eye of the ball, however, and is relentless in throwing facts in the faces of the Lincoln cultists.

As a member of the Illinois legislature Lincoln urged the legislature “to appropriate money for colonization in order to remove Negroes from the state and prevent miscegenation” (p. 228). As president, Lincoln toiled endlessly with plans to “colonize” (i.e., deport) all of the black people out of America. This is what Bennett calls Lincoln’s “White Dream,” and more recent research of the very best caliber supports him. I refer to the book Colonization after Emancipation by Phillip Magness of American University and Sebastian Page of Oxford University that, using records from the American and British national archives, proves that until his dying day Lincoln was negotiating with Great Britain and other foreign governments to deport all of the soon-to-be-freed slaves out of the U.S.

The Lincoln cult, which has fabricated excuses for everything, argued for years that Lincoln mysteriously abandoned his obsession with “colonization” sometime around 1863. Magness and Page prove this to be the nonsense that it is.

In Illinois, the state constitution was amended in 1848 to prohibit free black people from residing in the state. Lincoln supported it. He also supported the Illinois Black Codes, under which “Illinois Blacks had no legal rights. White people were bound to respect.” “None of this disturbed Lincoln,” writes Bennett.

Bennett also points out the clear historical fact that Lincoln strongly supported the Fugitive Slave Act which forced Northerners to hunt down runaway slaves and return them to their owners. He admittedly never said a word about slavery in public until he was in his fifties, while everyone else in the nation was screaming about the issue. When he did oppose slavery, Bennett points out, it was always in the abstract, accompanied by some statement to the effect that he didn’t know what could be done about it. And as a presidential candidate he never opposed Southern slavery, only the extension of slavery into the territories, explaining that “we” wanted to preserve the Territories “for free White people” (Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln, vol. 3, p. 311). In Bennett’s own words: “One must never forget that Lincoln always spoke in tongues or in a private code when he was talking about slavery or Negroes. And although he said or seemed to say that slavery was wrong, he always qualified the assertion in the same speech or in a succeeding speech, saying either that slavery was wrong in an abstract sense or that it was wrong in so far as it sought to spread itself.” He was a master politician, after all, which as Murray Rothbard once said, means that he was a masterful liar, conniver, and manipulator.

All of these truths, and many more, have been ignored, swept under the rug, or buried under thousands of pages of excuses by the Lincoln cult over the past century and more in books and in films like the new Lincoln film by Steven Spielberg. After spending a quarter of a century researching and writing on the subject, Lerone Bennett, Jr. concluded that “Lincoln is theology, not historiology. He is a faith, he is a church, he is a religion, and he has his own priests and acolytes, most of whom have a vested interest in ‘the great emancipator’ and who are passionately opposed to anybody telling the truth about him” (p. 114). And “with rare exceptions, you can’t believe what any major Lincoln scholar tells you about Abraham Lincoln and race.” Amen, Brother Lerone.

Reception Overwhelms Chester County, SC’s First Black Sheriff

November 12, 2012

From The Rock Hill Herald By Jonathan McFadden, November, 10, 2012

Alex Underwood guesses his cell phone has beeped with calls and text messages at least every two seconds.

When he walks down the street, drivers honk their horns. When he walks into restaurants, he receives standing ovations.

The day after Underwood, a petition candidate and retired agent with the State Law Enforcement Divison, was declared Chester County’s first black sheriff, he autographed a father’s campaign sign. The father, with his small son at his side, told Underwood, “This is history.”

Alex Underwood

Underwood, the latest in a long-line of political black pioneers in Chester, admitted: “I hadn’t even thought about it.”

On Tuesday, Underwood captured more than 45 percent of votes,  beating  Democratic incumbent Sheriff Richard Smith and fellow petition candidate Robert Cauthen, a former Sheriff’s Office chief deputy.

The atmosphere in Chester following his  victory  has been “electrifying,” Underwood  said.

“I’m speechless,” he said. “I’m humbled. It’s an amazing accomplishment. It’s just unbelievable.”

Something else Underwood found “unbelievable” was meeting then-state Sen. Strom Thurmond when Underwood  was a preteen. Underwood’s father, Arthur Underwood Sr., started the county’s housing authority alongside Thurmond.

When Thurmond went to Chester for a visit – traveling in a limousine – he took the Underwoods on ride through town. That’s when Thurmond spoke words to Alex Underwood that still resonate today.

“Son, if you grow up to be half the man your daddy is, you’ll be a helluva man.”

All these years later, Chester’s first black sheriff has plans to live up to that counsel by helping as many people as he can, “skin complexion” aside.

Underwood began his public service as a volunteer fireman. In 1984, he joined the Chester County Sheriff’s Office, starting as a patrol deputy and working up the ranks. He became  a game warden for the Department of Natural Resources before joining SLED. He retired in 2010.

Underwood trained as a hostage negotiator with the SWAT team and fugitive hunter with the U.S. Marshal’s Task Force. He wants to require that deputies regularly exercise. He wants to use contacts he has made through the years to bolster deputies’ skill training and create partnerships with state agencies. He wants to affect  the community’s youth by offering weeklong crash courses in state law enforcement agencies, ranging from SLED to the wildlife department.

The sheriff’s  salary is $57,130.

Underwood’s qualifications alone were enough to convince 71-year-old William Mills to vote for him, and put his campaign  signs  his yard.

“I don’t care what color you are; as long as you treat the people right,” said Mills, a black resident in the city’s  East Chester community.

“I think he’s going to try and clean up this place,” Mills said referring to Chester’s problems with drugs. “There’s a lot of work to be done.”

When Madeline Miles was growing up in Chester the thought of a black sheriff didn’t “register in my mind,” she said.

Now, at 75, Miles said, “I’m just grateful. God has brought us through a lot of things.”

A lifetime Chester resident, Miles said she hopes Underwood can help city authorities quell violence and positively affect “the young people.”

Miles said she remembers the efforts of Chris King and all he did to “bring the city to another level.”

King’s son, Rep. John King, D-Rock Hill, says the same.

“My father…set the stage not only for his family but for all minorities in Chester.” He wanted people to know “they can aspire to be anything they want to be,” he said.

John King was 19 when his father became the mayor. He remembers his father experiencing opposition in a town historically known for segregation.

He and his siblings “may have heard racial slurs from teachers” and read editorials in the newspaper, but their parents never became discouraged.

“The goal was showing that African Americans can be elected in Chester and be effective leaders when they are elected,” John King said. “We didn’t see color” or “skin tones,” he said, adding that his father felt “black people were underserved in public office” in Chester.

Chris King’s philosophy, his son said: “If blacks are going to be a part of the community, we need to have a seat at the table.”

Chris King, who also ran for school board and state Senate, waged a battle to the U.S. Supreme Court that fought for single-member districts in the county.

He fought and won, his son said.

His victory paved the way for districts that allowed people, such as  the late George Benjamin Guy Sr., to occupy seats on county council. His wife, Mary Guy, now fills the seat Guy left vacant in District 5.

Underwood’s victory “speaks volumes for Chester County,” said Mary Guy, currently the only black member of county council. “Years ago, a black person could not win a countywide election. This is really different for Chester.”

It also speaks volumes for voters, who Mary Guy said, “don’t…vote just on racial boundaries anymore, because I’m sure he got a lot of white support, as well.”

Born and raised in Chester, Mary Guy attended segregated schools. The county then wasn’t unitied.  Now, “Chester’s unified,” she said.

In 1992, Calvin Gore  ran for sheriff and lost. It was the first time, he said, that he saw how “racist” people could be in his hometown.

“I am so happy for Alex,” Gore said. “I’m sure he will be fair to everyone…not the good buddy system.”

That system rubbed Gore the wrong way just four months ago when he said two sheriff’s deputies were very disrespectful and unprofessional in their dealings with him.

“They realy don’t know how to talk to anyone,” Gore said, adding that he went to Richard Smith about his complaints but they didn’t seem to make a difference.

“I think he’ll listen to people. I think he’ll try to run a good operation,” said Carlisle Roddey, Chester’s county supervisor and a friend of Underwood’s family since the new sheriff was a child. “He got a lot of the votes.”

Blacks in Chester weren’t the only ones to support  Underwood, Roddey said, adding that the candidate won over several white voters.

“It wasn’t overwhelming,” Roddey said, “but it was enough to carry him through. You had two white candidates running; he was able to muster the biggest majority of the African American vote and get part of the white vote, and that’s what put him in there.”

“I think he will run…it in an unbiased way,” showing no slack for black or white criminals, Roddey said. “If they break the law, (Underwood’s) going to put them in jail.”

Officer Hit, Suspect Killed During Shooting Inside Southfield, Michigan Police Department Lobby

November 12, 2012

From by Tom Wait, November 11, 2012

SOUTHFIELD, Mich. (WXYZ) – A shootout inside the Southfield Police Department  lobby ended with a veteran police sergeant in the hospital and the alleged  gunman dead.

The officer was shot in the shoulder and should make a full recovery.

The violence unfolded at around 2:20 Sunday afternoon. Police say a  64-year-old man walked into the station and up to the front desk where officers  reportedly asked if they could help him. The unidentified suspect did not  respond.

Instead he pulled out out a gun and pulled the trigger. The gun did not go  off.

The desk officer drew his own handgun and ordered the suspect to drop his  weapon. Other officers also responded to the lobby and ordered the suspect to  drop his gun.

The suspect did not comply with police orders and pointed his gun at the  officers. It was at this point that the suspect and officers exchanged  gunfire.

Police say the first responding officer was shot in the shoulder. He is a  25-year veteran of the force.

Southfield’s mayor says she visited with the officer and his family at the  hospital Sunday evening.

The suspect was shot multiple times. He was pronounced dead at the  hospital.

Police say his motive isn’t known but based on his behavior they think this  may have been a case of “suicide by cop.”

Officers say he did not argue or have a confrontation with anyone before  pulling his gun.

Second Amendment in Action: Man Prevents Restaurant Robbery in Detroit

November 12, 2012

11/07/2012 By Web Staff

DETROIT (WXYZ) – One person is dead after two people were shot at a Coney  Island on Detroit’s southwest side Wednesday night.

7 Action News caught up with a man whose friend was inside Adi Coney Island  at the time of the incident.

“She told me that the robbers came in, unknown, just acting like regular  customers and they basically came straight up to the register and told everybody  to get down,” said Joshua Wright.

Wright says there were three people in the restaurant at the time. While the  suspects were at the register, one of the suspects fired at the owner and hit  him in the chest, according to Wright.

Then, a patron at the restaurant took out his own weapon and fired at one of  the attempted robbers, seriously injuring him.

Sources tell 7 Action News the suspect is dead following the shooting.

The owner was rushed to Henry Ford Hospital, but was released this  morning.  He was back at his business visiting with family Thursday  morning.

Is The 29 Hour Work Week Coming As Employers Seek To Escape The Obamacare Mandate?

November 12, 2012

From CNSnews by Craig Bannister, November 12, 2012

Businesses with 50 or more employees who average at least 30 hours of  work a week will be subject to the Obamacare insurance coverage  mandate.

Companies are reportedly planning large layoffs due to the implementation of Obamacare.

But, companies can potentially avoid being subject to Obamacare’s  insurance requirements by limiting employees’ weekly hours to less than  the 30 hour level defined by Obamacare as “full-time.”

A little-known section in the ObamaCare health reform law defines “full-time” work as averaging only 30 hours per week,  a definition that will affect some employers who utilize part-time  workers to trim the cost of complying with the ObamaCare rule that says businesses with 50 or more full-time workers must provide health insurance or pay a fine.

“The term ‘full-time employee’ means, with respect to any month, an  employee who is employed on average at least 30 hours of service per  week,” section 1513 of the law reads.  (Scroll down to section 4, paragraph A.)

That section, known as the employer mandate, requires any  business with 50 or more full-time employees to provide at least the  minimum level of government-defined health coverage to those employees.  In other words, a business must provide insurance if it has 50 or more employees working an average of just 30 hours per week, which is 10 hours per week fewer than the traditional 40-hour work week.

Thus, by cutting employees’ hours to ensure they average less than  the 30 per week, employers could potentially avoid the cost of providing  the minimum insurance levels mandated by Obamacare.

CIA Allegedly Using Drug Money to Overthrow Ecuador President Rafael Correa

November 12, 2012

Matías Rojas,, November 8, 2012

The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is using drug money to fund Rafael Correa’s opposition in the coming 2013 Ecuadorian elections, intelligence sources have revealed to Chilean independent media. The accusations do not stand alone. In October, former UK diplomat Craig Murray said that the CIA had tripled its budget to destabilize the government of Ecuador.

The allegations were made public by President Rafael Correa on November 3rd on national television, just days after his official visit to Chile to meet with President Sebastian Piñera.

Correa reaffirmed information that appeared in an article written by Chilean independent media outlet Panoramas News, revealing that the CIA and DEA stations in Chile were running a narcotics trafficking network through that country with the full knowledge of Chilean authorities and police.

One of the sources quoted by Chilean media, a former police officer in the Policia de Investigaciones (PDI) by the name of Fernando Ulloa, said that 300 kilograms of cocaine were entering Chile monthly under the escort of members of his own institution, the Carabineros, and the Chilean Army. In May 2011, Fernando Ulloa met with then Chilean Minister of Interior Rodrigo Hinzpeter in La Moneda to inform him about the drug network. After more than one year, the Piñera’s government had done nothing to investigate the case.

The scandal resurfaced again after 10 Chilean cops were detained with links to a minor drug smuggling ring, not connected to the one Ulloa was exposing. Although Chilean television was more open to talk about police corruption, Ulloa was only interviewed by two TV networks, where he accused Minister Rodrigo Hinzpeter of covering up the larger narcotics ring he was investigating before being kicked out of his job as PDI inspector.

The links to US intelligence emerged after an anonymous source from the Agencia Nacional de Inteligencia (ANI) told Panoramas News that the smuggling of 300 kilos of cocaine was in fact a highly sensitive CIA/DEA operation that would help to raise money to topple the government of Ecuador. The operation is similar to the one carried out by the Agency in Central America during the Iran-Contra scandal in the 1980’s, the source said.

The director of Panoramas News, journalist Patricio Mery Bell, was planning to hand over the information to Rafael Correa while the Ecuadorian President was visiting Chile, but he was strangely accused of beating a woman after she stole his cell-phone. The cell-phone memory contained a video testimony of Mery’s intelligence source, destined to be passed to Correa, but it ended up in the hands of the police after the mysterious incident.

Once he was in Ecuador, President Rafael Correa connected the dots and decided to go public with the information. He quoted Murray’s early warnings about the CIA’s intent to “fund, bribe or blackmail media and officials”, originally written in the former diplomat’s own blog, adding that the Agency was dealing drugs just as Oliver North had done during the Contra support effort.

In an interview with NTN24, journalist Patricio Mery added more details to the case, relating the cover-up of the CIA drug dealing operation to the deaths of two different people in the last seven years: former soldier Fabian Vega, who was found hung in the northern city of Calama in 2005, and young citizen Nestor Madariaga Juantok, found death with two bullets in the port of Valparaiso in 2006. Both were ruled as suicides.

Mery also gave the name of the alleged CIA liaison with the Chilean Navy, former captain Jesus Saez Luna, who is now being held in a penitentiary after he mysteriously escaped from Navy custody. Saez Luna was described in his arrest as the biggest drug dealer of the coastal city of Viña del Mar, with networks in Santiago de Chile and the Bio-Bio southern region of the country. Known as “El Marino”, the former captain utilized “military intelligence” tactics to avoid detection by police, according to the Chilean newspaper La Segunda.

The case is being depicted as “Chile-Contras”, in reference to the history of CIA narcotics trafficking in Nicaragua. This is just another example of how drug money is used to fund covert operations, such as the ones we have seen in Syria, with whole guerrilla armies and opposition forces being financed to overthrow countries that aren’t part of the Anglo-American establishment and don’t bow to American corporate interests.

H.R. 645 and The FEMA Concentration Camps

November 12, 2012
Byron Tripp 1130AM WEBY, August 23, 2009

Throughout the 20th Century, mankind’s governments  have sought to gain control over their populations with food, water,  bio-warfare, guns, tanks, militarized death squads, militarized police,  propaganda, mis-information, entertainment, and  the good old original  lie.  The United States and the West are no different than the “third  world” banana republics and dictators; its just the methods the western  democracies use have been refined through trial and error. The lies  become bigger and the controlled corporate media outlets push the big  lie so people end up believing anything the mainstream news endorses.  Point of fact – alternative news media or sources are not generally  believed by the public until the story breaks on a major news outlet. Enter the FEMA Camps.

Well, in order to understand the subject, we must  define a few terms.  What indeed is a “camp” ? People have popularized  conceptions of Dachau or Ashuwitz, gas chambers, ovens and guard towers  with jackbooted thugs patrolling and killing indiscriminantly.   Is  that really what a FEMA camp is or would be like? defines the word camp as a place where an army or other group of persons or an individual is lodged in a tent or tents or other temporary shelter. goes on to define the word concentration as a state of concentrated.  To be precise, the same Website defined the term concentrated as cluster or gather together closely. From these definitions, I will deduce that a concentration camp is defined as a  camp where facilities permanent or temporary, provide the means of  clustering or gathering together closely persons or soldiers.

Now that we have gone through the terms of subject  matter and expanded our minds, lets look briefly at some past  concentration camps in American history.   First that comes to mind is  the popular POW camp Andersonville during the War Between the States  which was commanded by Confederate forces for the internment or  concentration of Federal troops. The Federal or Union side of the  conflict had its many concentration camps as well.  Second is the many  Native American Indian reservations set up by the Federal Government  after the War Between the States as a means of controlling the nomadic  Indians of the Midwestern and Southwestern regions of the United  States.   The “reservation” as it is still called was a piece of land  reserved for the Indians by the Federal government while the  US government endorsed the expansion of its citizens upon traditional  Indian lands. Tensions boiled over as Federal troops would consistently  come onto the reservations or concentration lands and interfere with  the rituals and traditions of the Native Americans.  Sometimes this  conflict would lead to an all out war between the Indian tribes being  concentrated on the reservations.  Third, during World War 2, the  United States government, fearing a threat from within from its Asian  communities, collected, processed and interned or concentrated  AMERICAN CITIZENS of Japanese descent in camps for the duration of the  War.     Can one truly argue that these events did not take place?

[efoods]Anyone reading this, the chances are that you are  not going to get up in the morning and go through your morning routine  and walk out your front door and see a FEMA concentration camp.  Why is  that?  Remember the definitions of the terms we went over earlier?   Camps are often temporary, but can be permanent.  Existing structures  such as a Football Stadium or even an airport hangar can be utilized to  concentrate a group of dissidents or people deemed a security risk to  the State.  There doesn’t necessarily have to be a Nazi-styled  facilities to be a concentration camp. Ask yourselves this question:   We’re there any camps in New Orleans before Katrina hit? Not that I  can recall.  But as soon as FEMA was on the scene, any old army-air  force base or public facilities capable of sheltering or concentrating  refugees from the disaster area became a concentration camp. Not a  “death camp”   –   a concentration camp.  The most notable of these  camps which became the symbol of the plight of the people in New  Orleans who did not get out was the New Orleans Saints NFL Stadium.  After the storm, Martial Law was declared.  FEMA, The National Guard  and Blackwater (as it was then called)  all were utilized to confiscate  guns and process refugees into these concentration camps, or relief  shelters.  We’re law abiding citizens rights violated?  Often. We’re  they exterminated systematically? No.   Check  out this video of the Military Police and National Guard forcing people  from their homes and confiscating firearms from law abiding people. And you say it can’t happen to you?  What if there is a national  crisis, such as a “Swine Flu” outbreak and then everyone becomes a  suspect.

Enter H.R. 645.  The National Emergency Centers Establishment Act was submitted by Democrat Alcee L Hastings of Florida.   The bill  calls for Homeland Security to use KBR, a subdivision of Haliburton, to  create no fewer than six national facilities for the concentration of  civilian internees on military installations.

Enter Field Manual 3-19-40 Military Police Internment / Resettlement Field Operations.  This  field manual is the basis of operations for the handling of all forms  people in all situations.    From the definitions section of Chapter 1,  we can be labeled a  CIVILIAN INTERNEE which as the manual defines is:

“CIVILIAN INTERNEE 1-7. A CI is a person who is  interned during armed conflict or occupation if he is considered a  security risk or if he needs protection because he committed an offense  (insurgent, criminal) against the detaining power. A CI is protected  according to the Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of  Civilian Persons in Time of War (GC), 12 August 1949.”

The above definition is very broad. It fails to  identify the “detaining power” (Can you say UN Forces deployed to US in  the advent of Civil Unrest?)  It also states that the “civilian  internee” needs “protection” because he committed an “offense”  – who  makes these laws of what an “offense” is?  A military commander? An  international treaty organization such as the UN or NATO?  A Global  World Government?    Below is an example of a mid-level internment camp  for the field of operations of the United States military.

CORPS HOLDING AREAS 3-55. A CHA (Figure 3-4)  can hold more captives for longer periods of times than a central CP.  Depending on the availability of MP units to establish I/R facilities,  corps MP units must be prepared to hold captives at the CHA more than  72 hours. If the CHA keeps captives more than 72 hours, MP must plan  and coordinate for the increased logistics and personnel required to  operate a long-term facility. The decision to hold captives longer is  based on METT-TC and the availability of forces. Captives remain in the  CHA until they are evacuated to an I/R facility or until hostilities  end.

Figure 3-4. Corps Holding Area

Figure 3-4:  Corps Holding Area

Enter the REX 84 Program:      A plan for the continuity of Government in which dissidents would be  rounded up and processed during the event of civil unrest in the United  States. Fox New’s beloved Oliver North was involved in the planning of this operation. Representative of Oregon Democrat Peter DeFazio of the 4th District had this to say about the REX 84 Program during September of 2008 when the Stock Market crashed.

Ladies and Gentlemen, there is a plan that is in  place to be executed by the Federals to lock down the cities and towns  across our land and to begin gun confiscation.  There is a plan to deal  with mass quarantining of the population and its subsequent internment  and suspension of the Constitutional rights of Citizens.   Now that you  know, you can plan with this in mind when a “national emergency” is  declared and some group of unscrupulous people seek to gain total  control over the population or portions of political dissidents – you  now know what power the Federals will not hesitate to utilize for their  insidious ends.

I will end my presentation with a quote from a  speech that everyone knows. The “give me liberty” speech by Patrick  Henry.   What is not well known is is down to earth way of looking at  the colonists situation:

“Ask yourselves how this gracious reception of  our petition comports with those warlike preparations which cover our  waters and darken our land. Are fleets and armies necessary to a work  of love and reconciliation? Have we shown ourselves so unwilling to be  reconciled that force must be called in to win back our love? Let us  not deceive ourselves, sir.”  –  Patrick Henry, March 23,  1775

Camp FEMA Update: “We Feel Like We’re In a Concentration Camp”

November 12, 2012

Mac Slavo Nov 12, 2012

Though details are scarce and media coverage has been completely restricted by officials, stories of what victims of Hurricane Sandy are experiencing at the hands of the Federal Emergency Management Agency in the wake of the storm have begun to emerge.

The few available images from these so-called “tent cities” suggest that Camp FEMA isn’t all it’s cut out to be, with one resident using some choice words to describe how FEMA and the Red Cross have completely failed at their jobs.

…made an announcement that they were sending us to permanent structures up here that had just been redone, that had washing machines and hot showers and steady electric, and they sent us to tent city. We got fucked.

Via The Daily Sheeple

In other such tent cities the conditions are about as bad as you can describe them; on the order of third-world refugee camp, or worse:

One reason: the information blackout. Outside of the tightly guarded community on Friday, word was spreading that the Department of Human Services would aim to move residents to the racetrack clubhouse on Saturday. The news came after photos of people bundled in blankets and parkas inside the tents circulated in the media.

But inside the tent city, which has room for thousands but was only sheltering a couple of hundred on Friday, no one had heard anything about a move – or about anything else. “They treat us like we’re prisoners,” says Ashley Sabol, 21, of Seaside Heights, New Jersey. “It’s bad to say, but we honestly feel like we’re in a concentration camp.“

Sabol, who is unemployed and whose rental home was washed away in the hurricane, remembers being woken up on Wednesday at the shelter she was staying in at Toms River High School. Conditions there were “actually fine,” said Sabol.

Sabol was told that she had half an hour to pack: everyone was getting shipped to hotels in Wildwood, New Jersey, where they would be able to re-acquaint themselves with showers, beds and a door.

Sabol and about 50 other people boarded a New Jersey Transit bus, which drove around, seemingly aimlessly, for hours. Worse, this week’s Nor’easter snow storm was gathering force, lashing the bus with wind and rain.

After four hours, the bus driver pulled into a dirt parking lot. The passengers were expecting a hotel with heat and maybe even a restaurant. Instead they saw a mini city of portable toilets and voluminous white tents with their flaps snapping in the wind. Inside, they got sheets, a rubbery pillow, a cot and one blanket.

There was no heat that night, and as temperatures dropped to freezing, people could start to see their breath. The gusts of wind blew snow and slush onto Sabol’s face as her cot was near the open tent flaps. She shivered. Her hands turned purple.

It has taken three days for the tents to get warm.

Source: Reuters

Access to the facilities has been restricted by armed guard. The same holds true for activities inside of the facilities, with guards posted around the clock.

The post-storm housing — a refugee camp on the grounds of the Monmouth Park racetrack – is in lockdown, with security guards at every door, including the showers.

No one is allowed to go anywhere without showing their I.D. Even to use the bathroom, “you have to show your badge,” said Amber Decamp, a 22-year-old whose rental was washed away in Seaside Heights, New Jersey.

The mini city has no cigarettes, no books, no magazines, no board games, no TVs, and no newspapers or radios. On Friday night, in front of the mess hall, which was serving fried chicken and out-of-the-box, just-add-water potatoes, a child was dancing and dancing — to nothing. “We’re starting to lose it,” said Decamp. “But we have nowhere else to go.”

In the aftermath of this disaster, as well as the Hurricane Katrina debacle, it should be clear where the government’s priorities are.

They’ll buy billions of rounds of ammunition and won’t hesitate to put 30,000 drones into the skies over America, but when it comes to helping Americans who have lost everything, they are woefully unprepared.

This begs the question, what happened to the hundreds of millions of emergency rations, emergency blankets and supplies that were supposedly regionalized by the Department of Homeland Security fully two years ago?

Their plan is to complete the supply of fifteen H.S. warehouses around the country in the next three months. Ms. Bylier is quoted as saying “we have worked hard the last six months to meet our local objectives.” She continued “the goals of Homeland Security are in sight.” It’s difficult to know if this is a good or bad omen. No comment was offered as to why this program has been given so much urgency at this time.

It’s nice to know we’re ready. But ready for What?

Yes, exactly. Ready for what?

This is a limited-scope disaster that the government and populace knew was coming. While tragic, the worst-case scenario here is perhaps 50,000 people who can be deemed refugees who have lost their homes and belongings. Additionally, another 250,000 required short-term assistance like food and water in the immediate aftermath.

If FEMA and DHS are incapable of dealing with an emergency that affects less than 1% of the US population simultaneously, what type of response should the American people reasonably expect in the event of a sustained wide-scale disaster?

  • What if the New Madrid Fault cracks and causes a high magnitude earthquake across a multi-state region?
  • What if a rogue dirty-bomb or nuclear attack forces the evacuation of numerous metropolitan areas all at once?
  • What if a Tsunami on the order of Sumatra in 2004 inundates the East or West coast?
  • What if a massive solar flare or hackers take down our power grid infrastructure leaving the nation without electricity for weeks or months at a time ?

In all of these scenarios tens of millions of Americans would essentially become refugees.

Given the abhorrent response by the organization upon which we have been told we can depend in an emergency, the after-effects would be nothing short of Apocalyptic. A die-off would start immediately after the collapse. Many would die within a month’s time due to lack of food, clean water and from the spread of disease. The rest will battle for resources as their failure to prepare will leave them with no other choice.

Here’s the lesson: HELP WILL NOT BE ON THE WAY.

It will be so bad, in fact, that people will be praying for shelter in a FEMA concentration camp.

Obama’s Proposed Hope and Change for the Eighth Commandment

November 12, 2012

Thomas DiLorenzo November 10, 2012

Obama recently said that “the majority” of Americans, who pay little or no federal income tax, “agree with me” that those who DO pay significant income taxes should pay even more, so that the parasite class (a.k.a. “the majority who agree with me”) can become even more parasitic. Producers should be taxed even more heavily than they are now so that non-producers can be even more unproductive, and for longer periods of time. He in essence would like to see the Eighth Commandment changed in the following way:

Original Eighth Commandment: “Thou shalt not steal.” (Exodus 20:15)

Obama’s Preferred Change: “Thou shalt not steal. However, stealing is OK if it is called “democracy,” “majority rule,” or “social justice.”