Obama White House Still Refusing To Allow Former Staffer To Testify About Fast and Furious Scandal

From The Ulsterman Report, April 9, 2012

Kevin O’Reilly no longer works at the Obama White House, and yet, that same Obama White House is telling Congressional investigators he will not be allowed to share with them what he knew about the deadly Fast and Furious gunrunning operation that killed American agents and hundreds of Mexican civilians.

Remember, this is coming from what was promised not so long ago to be the “most open and accountable” administration ever.  Since that promise, Barack Obama has done everything in his power to refuse even the most basic of informational requests coming from Congress.  What makes this particular example even more interesting is that the key witness – Kevin O’Reilly, has indicated his willingness to testify to Congress.  O’Reilly is a former staffer on Barack Obama’s National  Security team, and as such, had access to key emails and personnel who may be able to link the Fast and Furious debacle directly to high ranking figures within the Obama  White House.  Both Barack Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder have indicated no knowledge of the failed gunrunning program prior to the death of Border Agent Brian Terry – killed with weapons given to known criminals by the Obama administration.

The White House’s refusal to allow a former staffer to testify despite a direct Congressional request that he do so is not sitting well with key Republicans involved in the case – including Utah Republican Jason Chaffetz:

Utah Republican Rep. Jason Chaffetz told the Fox News Channel’s Megyn Kelly on Friday that although a key White House witness in the ill-fated Operation Fast and Furious gun-walking program is willing to testify about what he knows, the Obama administration won’t let him appear before Congress.

White House Counsel Kathryn Ruemmler sent a letter Thursday to Republican lawmakers Rep. Darrell Issa and Sen. Chuck Grassley, refusing their request to speak with Kevin O’Reilly, a former National Security staff member whose emails place him in the middle of the unfolding scandal. Issa and Grassley had written to Ruemmler  on March 28, asking the White House  to step aside and let O’Reilly talk to investigators. …


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